
【賀】本系碩士班國際組畢業生 Arada Mahasawin 參加泰國推廣台灣旅遊競賽活動獲首獎



The first international master graduate from TRLS, NDHU won the first prize of “SUPER FAN of Taiwan” in Thailand on Apr. 9, 2022

國立東華大學觀光暨休閒遊憩學系,第一屆碩士班國際組畢業生(20219月畢業),來自泰國的Arada Mahasawin小姐,於202249日參與交通部觀光局「駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處觀光組」所辦理的 SUPER FAN of Taiwan (直譯超級台灣迷』)」推廣台灣旅遊競賽活動,贏得首獎,獲得星宇航空:曼谷-台北來回機票一張(價值22,250泰銖)、現金5000泰銖,以及限量版的悠遊卡(含台幣888元儲值)

SUPER FAN of Taiwan」活動參加者,需通過三回合的競賽:1.通過線上台灣觀光特色測驗、2. 線上台灣觀光特色實體問答,以及3.針對「Taiwan is the best theme」設計推廣台灣的創意作品,於一週內在交通部觀光局「駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處觀光組」臉書粉絲專頁上宣傳,並爭取按讚與分享。最終選出的三位決賽者,於202249日親赴駐泰國台北經濟文化辦事處,進行現場展示說明作品,並由線上活動參與者與現場評審進行評分分出勝負,最後由Arada Mahasawin小姐贏得首獎,其獲獎作品為 WONDER(FUL) TAIWAN!

觀遊系系友Arada Mahasawin小姐,大學就讀於清邁大學觀光系,於20198月份進入東華觀遊系碩士班國際組就讀,在學期間認真用功,課業表現亮眼,擔任過系上全英課程助教,熱心參與校內公共事務,其畢業碩士論文為:The destination image of Taiwan from Thai tourists: From the online induced perspective (從網路觀點探討泰國遊客之台灣目的地意象)Arada Mahasawin小姐在母國協助台灣推廣國際旅遊獲得首獎,東華觀遊系師生與有榮焉!

Miss Arada Mahasawin (also known as Neem), the first international master graduate from the Department of Tourism, Recreation, and Leisure Studies, National Dong Hwa University won the first prize in the “SUPER FAN of Taiwan” event in Thailand on Apr. 9, 2022. The first prize included the round-trip ticket from Bangkok to Taiwan of Starlux Airlines (worth 22,250 THB), cash 5,000 THB, and the limited edition of Easy Card (with 888 NTD).

The “SUPER FAN of Taiwan” event was hosted by the Bangkok Office of Taiwan Tourism Bureau. This event is to promote Taiwan Tourism to Thai people with creative artworks. There were three rounds of the competition including 1. Passing the online test related to Taiwan tourism. 2. Answering the questions related to Taiwan tourism via Zoom with 3 committees (Thai famous YouTubers who know Taiwan well) and 3. Creating artwork/ video/ picture to promote Taiwan tourism under “Taiwan is the best theme” within one week. All the creative works were posted on the Bangkok Office of Taiwan Tourism Bureau Facebook Fanpage for voting (like & share). Then, three finalists joined the on-site event at the Bangkok Office of Taiwan Tourism Bureau on 9 April 2022, which aired live on Facebook. The final winner was Miss Arada Mahasawin and her artwork was “ WONDER(FUL) TAIWAN!

Miss Arada Mahasawin earned her bachelor's degree in the Department of Tourism, Chiang Mai University. She studied in the Master Program (International Program) of the Department of Tourism, Recreation, and Leisure Studies at National Dong Hwa University in the fall semester of 2019 and graduated in September 2021. She was not only a hard-working student with good performance, but also willing to share her time and ability in volunteer work at NDHU. Her thesis was “The destination image of Taiwan from Thai tourists: From the online induced perspective”. Miss Arada Mahasawin helped to promote Taiwan tourism in Thailand and won the first prize. The Department of Tourism, Recreation, and Leisure Studies offers the most sincere congratulations to the first M.A. alumnus of the International Program.


觀遊系系友參賽作品  The artwork of Miss Arada Mahasawin 泰國「超級台灣迷」活動頒獎典禮 SUPER FAN of Taiwan Award ceremony in Thailand
泰國「超級台灣迷」活動資訊 The info of SUPER FAN of Taiwan

